

出国留学可以通过奖学金、助学金、筹款、 研究经费. At 养, we are devoted to making international experience accessible to all students regardless of cost.

我们鼓励您访问世界动物卫生组织,讨论资助方案和如何进行学习 出国对你来说是现实.

感谢一位慷慨的捐赠者,我们很高兴能够为学生提供奖学金 studying abroad at Tunghai University’s semester or summer 程序. 奖学金 amount varies based on each student’s individual budget proposal. Get more information and apply here

养学生在国外学习一个学期可自动获得2000美元的奖学金 with 前辈们, since we are a public university partnered with 前辈们. 前辈们 holds a wide variety 奖学金,包括助学金、捐款奖学金、多元化奖学金、 公立大学助学金,合作大学奖学金,特别折扣,和 伤残补助金.

International Sustainable Development Studies Institute (ISDSI)
在ISDSI,奖学金颁发给表现出卓越潜力的个人 参加ISDSI的项目,但如果没有经济援助可能无法参加.  奖学金 每学期奖励一次,符合条件的个人每学期获得500-2,000美元.  虽然奖学金没有申请截止日期,但资金有限 are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

Round River Conservation Studies
环河保护组织通过爱德华·艾比奖学金提供经济援助 as well as through tuition payment plans. 学生 are also able to defer 程序 payment until they receive their federal and institutional aid.

SFS works closely with 养 to help you fund a 程序. Even if you don’t receive aid at 养, you may be eligible for SFS financial aid! Their financial aid committee compares 你上大学的总费用加上学习的总费用 出国留学. If there is a gap between these costs, SFS tries to meet your need. 当你提交你的SFS财政援助申请时,你会被自动考虑 for more than 12 scholarships, grants, and loans.

养学生在SEA学期学习时可获得自动奖学金! 这个奖学金 一个学期的课程是7500美元,一个八周的暑期课程是5000美元,还是2500美元 for a four-week summer 程序. Sea Education Association (SEA) understands that cost is a concern when considering study abroad. Therefore, they are committed to making SEA学期课程为所有合格和积极的学生负担得起. 海奖 每年为学生提供大约100万美元的助学金和优秀奖学金 participating in 海上学期 程序s. Over 50% of their students receive some sort of financial assistance; out of those, 95% receive aid directly from SEA.

坐 出国留学致力于增加获得国际教育的机会 确保你有信息,你需要成功地获得资金为你的 study abroad 程序 with us. They offer a broad range of scholarships and grants, including their award winning Pell Grant Match. Scholarship awards generally range 从500美元到5000美元.

弗里曼-亚洲奖学金为有较高经济需求的学生提供 abroad in East or Southeast Asia. The award amount is up to $3,000 for summer, $5,000 for semester, and $7,000 for academic year. It is important to note that there is 每学年只有一个申请周期,申请截止日期为4月初 upcoming summer, fall, and spring semesters.

DAAD RISE (研究 Internships in Science & Engineering) Scholarship
DAAD RISE项目为本科生提供暑期研究经验 to work with PhD students in various projects; promoting international exchange and interest in Germany’s research landscape. This 程序 is open to undergraduates in 生物学、化学、计算机科学、工程学、地球科学等领域 physics, and provides a monthly stipend and travel subsidy. 申请已接受 from early November to mid-December.

US-Japan Bridging Scholarship
桥接项目为参与的美国本科生提供奖学金 in study-abroad 程序s in Japan. Funding from private foundations and major U.S. 日本企业通过向非营利性的美日桥梁基金会捐款 每年有可能颁发大约100个奖学金来帮助学生 在日本留学一学期的路费和生活费 或者一学年. Applications are accepted twice a year for Bridging 奖学金.

Education New Zealand 奖学金
新西兰教育部提供多种奖学金和旅游奖励——搜索这个数据库 to find funding sources that best meet your criteria.

本杰明一. Gilman International Scholarship Program
吉尔曼奖学金计划为这些人提供本科留学奖励 students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding.

Boren Awards for International Study
Boren 奖学金 provide up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and which are underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded.

Fund for Education Abroad
海外教育基金为学生提供一般奖学金和专门奖学金 在超过28天的项目中有财务需求. 专用的 奖学金包括 NAFSA Tamara H. Bryant Memorial Scholarship for African-American students and the 彩虹奖学金 为LGBTQ+学生准备的. 学生 will be automatically considered for all scholarships 基于他们的应用程序响应,所以如果你想考虑一个 你必须在你的申请中自我披露你身份的这一方面 应用程序.

Fulbright Program Grants and 奖学金
富布赖特项目是国际教育交流项目的旗舰项目 由美国.S. ,旨在增进双方的相互了解 people of the United States and the people of other countries.

Critical Language Scholarship Program
关键语言奖学金(CLS)项目是一个全额资助的暑期海外项目 为美国本科生和研究生提供语言和文化沉浸课程. 以扩大美国人学习和掌握批判的基础为目标 在美国和其他国家的人民之间建立关系 CLS为来自世界各地的各种各样的学生提供了机会 United States at every level of language learning.

资助学生进行实习或独立项目 夏天在国外. 了解更多信息 please visit the 职业服务 website

除了在网上搜索奖学金,别忘了在其他网站上搜索 的地方也. 奖学金, fellowships, and grants can often be found in churches, 扶轮社、专业团体或其他非政府组织.

  • 家庭成员
  • Heritage groups that have interests in specific countries (e.g. Japan-America社会)
  • Civic groups (Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs)
  • 机构和基金会
  • 旅行社
  • High school alumni associations
  • Professional and business clubs
  • Media (newspapers, radio and TV)
  • Sororities and fraternities (local and national chapters)
  • Vocational rehabilitation agencies (for students with disabilities)
  • Charitable, ethnic, religious and campus organization

Tips for 应用ing for 奖学金


Start early and take your time, noting deadlines. 应用 to as many scholarships as 你可以. 

计划让你的奖学金申请至少由写作资源审核 中心和国际教育办公室——他们可以帮助你完善你的论点 and check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Create a unique essay for each scholarship 应用程序. Although many of the essay 提示可能是类似的,不要试图为你的“一刀切”的回答 应用程序. 

When writing prompts, try to be as specific as possible. For example, clearly identify why you chose the specific 程序 and location. Was there a specific opportunity, 课程,个人关系,或研究机会促使你选择你的 程序? 研究奖学金的使命,并在你的论文中引用它.

出国留学是一个终身学习和拥抱国际视野的过程. 在你的申请中,一定要说明你将如何继续利用你所受的教育 after returning from abroad.