
Department of 环境资源工程

ERE students will meet with their Faculty Advisors at least twice per year to discuss their academic program 和 professional preparation. 与你的指导老师讨论 academics 和 plan for your career; you might troubleshoot problems, differentiate between the various engineering 和 technical electives, consider research opportunities, discuss an academic minor or club, review a resume, 和 plan for summer internships 或者工作. Develop 和 use your own leadership 和 management skills to prepare for your academic advising sessions, as discussed below, 和 complete your ERE program 课程.


Make sure you have completed the first 5 steps in this list before arriving at your 学术谘询会议. 在你的建议会议之后,继续成功!

  1. 检讨养 注册信息 to learn more about the course registration process. 确认您理解养 学术政策 as they relate to academic integrity, course enrollment, performance, withdrawal, 宗教节日等.
  2. 检查 养目录 B.S. in ERE degree course requirements, 和 track your completion of those requirements 设有学位工场,位于 My养. 
  3. Identify constraints on what courses you can take based on your obligations for 金融援助  辅助教学 限制.
  4. Browse 和 add courses to your shopping cart using MySlice
  5. Schedule an advising meeting to remove your registration hold, bringing a completed Registration Form 和 any needed petition forms to the meeting. 
  6. Use the advising meeting to cover course 和 career preparation issues. 离开 session with a plan to succeed 和 a signed registration form. 接受注册 Form to the 注册商 to remove your registration hold 和 then complete the MySlice registration to officially enroll in the courses.
  7. 在你的课程中成功使用 学业成功中心 和 peer tutoring, writing center, 和 math lab, 和 abiding by the 养学生手册和学术诚信.


The curricular requirements contain specific courses (e.g., ERE 132 ERE简介 APM 205 Calculus I) 和 directed electives (Earth Science, Biology , General Education, Engineering Fundamentals, Engineering, Technical).

  • Course sequencing is presented by semester in the 课程计划.
  • 课程描述可用于 养的课程  雪城大学课程.
  • Additional courses in all elective areas may be available by petition.


You need to take three 工程选修课, which are defined by their focus on theory 和 application of scientific principles 和 quantitative skills to monitor, assess, or design in the environmental resources engineering profession. 其中一些 courses are only available to seniors, 和 many require pre-requisites. 准备, you take a design course your freshman year 和 take core engineering courses your 大二和大三.

提供了一份认可课程的清单 in the Upper Division Electives table in the 养目录.


You need to take two 技术的选修课, which are defined by their application of techniques, theory, 和 skills to advance competence in the professional practice. These courses build on the engineering 课程. 提供了一份认可课程的清单 在高年级选修课表中 养目录,之前.


All ERE students are required to take an Earth Science elective. 经批准的 courses is provided in the Lower Division Electives table in the 养目录. 额外的课程可以通过申请获得.

学生 who entered 养 in or after fall 2021 take a Biology elective. 以下是 approved courses is provided in the Lower Division Electives table 在养目录. 学生 who entered 养 prior to the Fall 2021 semester are required to take the narrower Ecology elective (EFB 320, EST 220, FOR 232, FOR 332, FOR 334, FOR 442, BIO 345 or FST 202), but can petition to take a course from the exp和ed biology list. 


学生 who entered 养 in or after fall 2022 take an Engineering Fundamentals elective. These courses introduce or reinforce basic concepts 和 theory within the engineering 科学. 提供了一份认可课程的清单 in the Upper Division Electives table 在养目录. 学生 who entered 养 prior to the Fall 2022 semester are required to take ERE 380 Energy Systems Engineering, but can petition to substitute this with a course from the Engineering Fundamentals or Engineering Elective lists. 


All SUNY students are required to complete courses within a variety of knowledge 和 skills areas as well as achieve  competencies in critical thinking 和 information 读写能力.

学生 in the ERE program are required to take 30 general education credits, across 至少掌握10个知识领域中的7个. All ERE students satisfy four areas—Communication, Mathematics, Natural Science, 和 Humanities— by taking required courses in our 课程:

For students who entered 养 prior to the Fall 2023 semester,the remaining three areas are obtained by taking courses from at least three of the remaining areas:

  • 社会科学
  • 美国历史上
  • 西方文明
  • 世界其他文明
  • 艺术
  • 外语

For students who entered 养 in the Fall 2023 semester or later, the remaining three areas are obtained by taking a required course in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, 和 Social Justice 和 courses from at least two of the remaining areas:

  • 社会科学
  • 美国历史与公民参与
  • 世界历史和全球意识
  • 艺术
  • 世界语言