


访问 我们的总结页面 that includes summaries of scientific studies on Darling 54 栗s.


养 Continues Promising Development of Darling Transgenic Chestnuts 

美洲板栗研究 and Restoration Project team remains committed to 栗 and tree 恢复 research, building off nearly 35 多年敬业的工作和学习. 我们目前的研究表明1 that Darling 栗s are safe and have better blight tolerance than other American 栗s, so they can play an important role in laying the groundwork for 恢复 of threatened populations of American 栗 trees. 11月,我们收到了一份 $636,000 grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants (BRAG) program. It will be used to monitor the dispersal, fitness, and deployment of the genetically engineered American 栗s developed by 养 researchers, including Darling trees. Furthermore, 养 is in the process of hiring a five-person faculty/staff cluster in "Tree and Ecosystem Restoration” to help bolster our expertise, expand 恢复 beyond 栗, and strengthen our team of scientists.  

养 has been the leading academic institution on biotechnology for enhancing blight tolerance in American 栗s, and we look forward to continuing that role in which 我们深感自豪和责任.  

We will be sharing links to documents about our research and data on this page. 但 首先,我们想做一些澄清:  

  • Multiple approaches are needed to address 栗 恢复. No single 栗 variety will fully address American 栗 恢复; it will be a gradual process of discovery, implementation, and improvement. 我们有信心 that Darling trees represent a valuable first step, and further research will help clarify which varieties are most suitable for large-scale 恢复. 
  • 达令58号的识别有误. We discovered recently that an unfortunate labeling error occurred several years ago between two Darling varieties (54 and 58) that were developed at the same time. We are fixing the labeling, amending the filed documents within the regulatory approval process, and working to understand how it happened. 
  • 对达令54号进行了广泛的测试. The difference between Darling 54 and Darling 58 is the location of the new transgenes; the OxO gene is the same but located on a different chromosome. 我们已有的数据 provided to regulatory agencies confirms safety and characteristics of D54. 
  • 养 is continuing to pursue the regulatory approval process. We have no indication that new data will result in safety concerns that could jeopardize 监管审查. 后 决定草案 published last year, the USDA-APHIS expressed no indication that OxO or the Darling variety might be harmful to the environment, ecosystems, or people. 我们正在跟踪 agency guidance for submitting updates, but do not intend to withdraw the petition.  
  • The Darling variety does not exhibit major performance risks. Initial field trials indicate that blight tolerance is consistently enhanced in Darling trees compared to closely related controls without the OxO gene. 总的来说,亲爱的 trees are shorter than their non-transgenic relatives, but height varies within and 在家庭. These trees, both OxO positive and negative, will continue to be monitored 从长远来看. Regulatory approval will allow for even more rigorous evaluations of suitability for eventual large-scale 恢复 work. 
  • 研究必须继续. Testing is an important first step for large-scale 恢复 and we will continue 播种、观察和收集数据. 我们已经完成了 广泛的健康和安全测试 of the Darling variety in support of our regulatory filings and every indication 到目前为止,它们还没有造成伤害.    

我们的数据和观察1 so far indicate that potential 恢复 plantings will help conserve existing populations of American 栗 trees without causing harm to the trees or their 栖息地. Blight tolerance in Darling 栗s is consistently enhanced compared to wild trees, so this represents an important milestone toward 恢复 of trees 受到入侵害虫和病原体的威胁.  

The team of scientists with the American Chestnut 研究 and Restoration Project continue to prioritize rigorous science and discovery before large-scale 恢复, and regulatory approval will facilitate research plantings to help the 恢复 社区做出这些决定. 我们都为他的工作感到骄傲. 鲍威尔和他的 team have done, and we look forward to continuing his legacy. 

  1. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.01046 http://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12879 http://doi.org/10.1007/s11248-021-00263-w    http://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-022-09909-x   



养 remains committed to 栗 and tree 恢复 research. 我们继续 to pursue approval from federal agencies and work with regulators, and reviews remain 在进行中.

We continue to prioritize rigorous science and discovery in our long-term goal of 安全有效的森林恢复. 到目前为止,我们的研究表明了这种潜力 恢复 plantings will help conserve existing populations of American 栗 trees without causing harm to the trees or their 栖息地. 几种工具和方法 are needed to adequately address 栗 恢复, and we are continuing work on Darling, DarWin, and other varieties to find the best path forward for 栗 恢复.