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网赌平台 Academic Catalog

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环境资源工程 学位课程使毕业生具备在环境方面的专业能力 resources engineering. 在工程基础的广泛研究基础使毕业生 进入专注于利用和保护土壤、水、 空气,以及其他可再生和不可再生资源. The program aims to educate 通过对环境负责确保可持续发展的专业人士 engineering solutions. 该计划是由工程学院认可的环境工程计划 Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Lower Division Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 205 Calculus I:Science & Engr 4
APM 206 Calculus II:Science & Engr 4
APM 307 Multivariable Calculus 4
APM 485 Diff Equat/Engr&Scientist 3
EFB 101 Gen Bio I:Organismal Bio&Ecol 3
EFB 102 General Biology I Laboratory 1
ERE 132 Intro/Envrnmntl Resrces Engr 1
ERE 133 Intro to Engineering Design 3
ERE 275 Ecological Engineering 3
EWP 190 Writing And The Envrnment 3
EWP 290 Research Writing & Humanities 3
FCH 150 General Chemistry I 3
FCH 151 General Chemistry I Lab 1
FCH 152 General Chemistry II 3
FCH 153 General Chemistry II Lab 1
GNE 271 Statics 3
GNE 273 Mechanics of Materials 3
PHY 211 General Physics I 3
PHY 212 General Physics II 3
PHY 221 General Physics I Laboratory 1
PHY 222 General Physics II Laboratory 1

“C-”是学生通过每门微积分课程并进入大学的必修课 next course. 这个要求是必要的,以确保工程专业的学生有 在ERE项目中取得成功的定量分析技能. The admissions office uses C as 当学生想转入ERE课程时,微积分课程的门槛.

Lower Division Electives

Course Codes* Credits
& 公民参与,艺术,社会科学,世界历史和全球意识,
World Languages
G 6
多元、公平、包容及社会正义通识教育课程 G 3
地球科学选修:345,FCH 399, 338, EAR105, ear111,或ear117 G 3
生物选修课:efb103, efb303, efb307, efb320, efb360, efb400, efb424, EST 220, 232, 332, 334,或442 G 3


Upper Division Required Courses

Course Number Course Codes * Credits
APM 395 Probability & Stats/Engr 3
CEE 337 Intro to Geotechnical Engrng 3
ERE 335 Numerical & Computing Methods 3
ERE 339 Fluid Mechanics 4
ERE 340 Engr Hydrology&Hydraulics 4
ERE 365 Principles of Remote Sensing 4
ERE 371 Surveying For Engineers 3
ERE 430 Engr Decision Analysis 3
ERE 440 Water and Wastewater Treatment 3
ERE 468 Solid & Hazardous Waste Engr 3
ERE 480 Fate & Trnsprt of Contaminants 3
ERE 488 Engineering Project Management 1
ERE 489 Env Res Engr Plan&Design 3

Upper Division Electives

Course Codes* Credits

Engineering Fundamentals Elective
这些课程旨在介绍或加强基本概念和理论 the engineering sciences. 它们被用作构建的中级类 on lower division electives.

预先批准的SUNY 网赌平台工程基础选修课程有:

  • PSE 361工程热力学
  • PSE 370质量和能量平衡原理
  • CME 404 Applied Structures
  • Any approved Engineering Elective

预先批准的雪城大学课程,满足工程基础 elective include:

  • ELE 231电气工程基础
  • MAE 251 Thermodynamics
  • ECS 222 Dynamics

Engineering Elective
这些课程侧重于科学原理和定量的理论与应用 具备环境资源工程专业的监测、评估或设计技能.

预先批准的SUNY 网赌平台工程基础选修课程有:

  • ERE 311热带生态工程
  • ERE 412 River Form and Process
  • ERE 445 Hydrologic Modeling
  • 环境系统工程
  • er575水质生态工程
  • GNE 461 Air Pollution Engineering
  • e496和e596专题课程必须事先由部门批准 to registration
  • ERE 496 (sec04)人道主义工程

预先批准的雪城大学课程,可用于满足工程选修课 include:

  • 结构与材料分析
  • CEE 332混凝土结构设计
  • CEE 338 Foundation Engineering
  • 交通运输工程
  • 环境工程中的运输过程
  • 雪城大学L.C. Smith College of 工程必须在注册前由部门预先批准

500-599研究生课程专为学士学位后的专业领域设计 programs. 经导师同意,符合条件的本科生可报名.

  • ERE 520/521资源回收与实验室
  • ERE 527 Stormwater Management
  • 环境土壤物理
  • 气候变化中的水文

研究生课程是专门为提高专业水平而设计的. 累积平均绩点不低于3分的本科生.000 or better may 带着批准的申请参加这些课程.

  • ERE 621 Spatial Analysis
  • ERE 622数字图像分析(需要教师许可)
  • ERE 674生态处理方法
  • ERE 693基于gis的建模(需要教师许可)
E 9

Technical Elective
这些课程侧重于技术、理论和技能,以提高专业能力 practice.

Any CEE class, any APM class 200 level and above; any BPE class 300 level and above; any BTC class; any CME class with the exception of CME 202; any EFB class with the exception of EFB 120, 200, 217, 220, and 312; any EHS class; any ERE class; 网赌平台 300 any FCH class 200 level and above; any FOR class 320 and above with exception of 475 to 478; any GNE class; or any SRE class. 任何专题课程(496或596)必须 须在注册前获本署批准.




* Special Course Codes (代码表示课程符合某个程序或 
accreditation requirements. 如果与本研究项目无关,请忽略.) G
通识教育课程(普通教育) E = Engineering, ES = Engineering Sciences, M
Mathematic, NS = Natural Sciences, PE = Professional Education, S = Summer-only