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Short-tailed Shrew

短尾鼩鼱与其他阿迪朗达克鼩鼱的不同之处在于,它们的鼻子更钝, 尾巴较短,少于总长度的25%,较重的更呈圆柱形 body, and fleshy feet. The pelage is lead gray to blackish. The pinkish feet and tail are scantily haired. 老年个体的皮毛可能含有白色斑点或斑块. 眼睛很小,短而柔软的皮毛完全覆盖在巨大的外耳上 openings. Adults weigh 15- 23 g (0.5-0.8 oz) and their average length is 120 mm (4.7 in).

(Blarina brevicauda Say)

From: Saunders, D. A. 1988. Adirondack Mammals. 博彩平台环境科学学院 and Forestry. 216pp

Order: Insectivora
Family: Soricidae

Range and Habitat

这种丰富而广泛的物种包括东部的南半部 Canada, and the eastern half of the U.S. Mixed and deciduous hardwood forest with 厚厚的潮湿的叶霉是阿迪朗达克地区短尾鼩数量最多的地方, but all terrestrial communities, e.g., coniferous forest, drier parts of swamps and 沼泽,沼泽和草地开口,海拔至少1311米(4300英尺) have this small mammal as a resident.

从一般的外貌来看,短尾鼩鼱比其他鼩鼱更倾向于穴居 鼩鼱,广泛挖掘隧道,深50厘米(20英寸)。. Within the interwoven 迷宫般的隧道渗透到家园范围,它收集和撕碎树叶和其他 种植材料建造休息和繁殖巢穴,直径15-20厘米(6 - 8英寸). These nests may be 30.在土壤或岩石表面以下5厘米(12英寸)处 or log.

Food and Feeding Behavior: 短尾鼩的具有神经毒性的唾液是北韩特有的适应物 American mammals. 它有毒的咬伤是上颌下分泌物的结果 这些腺体所含的毒素足以杀死大约200只老鼠. Saliva flows into 伤口通过下一对门牙的结合形成的通道. While 毒素的作用尚不清楚,它可能起到固定小动物的作用 animals and stun larger ones.

短尾鼩的主要食物是小型无脊椎动物, 尤其是蚯蚓和大型昆虫,鼩鼱会捕捉并立即切断它们 with its sharp teeth, and then swallows. However, the diet also include vertebrates 比自己大得多的动物,比如老鼠、小野兔和兔子、雏鸟、蝾螈, and snakes. Plant foods, e.g.山毛榉和其他种子、浆果和真菌形成 a small but important part of the winter diet. Satiated shrews cache excess prey, 特别是蜗牛和蚯蚓,在咬伤并使它们麻痹之后.

Activity and Movement

阿迪朗达克冬季寒冷的气温和厚厚的积雪并不能抑制这种活动 of the short-tailed shrew. 它在雪地里挖洞,在地面上觅食, 通常在晚上,或者在地表下挖洞,推动地壳形成 小型鼹鼠状脊约19米(0.75 in) wide. Some winter activity 发生在土壤上或土壤中,在绝缘的雪覆盖下. Short-tailed shrews 白天,它们从叶霉中挤出一条路来,或者在夜间在地面上移动 night during the warmer seasons. 它们用前脚和鼻子来放松 当他们挖掘永久的地下洞穴时,土壤大约是4-5厘米(1厘米).75 in) wide. 短尾鼩鼱表现出典型的鼩鼱运动模式. They 奔跑,突然停止,快步走. They constantly thrust their 在树叶或小树枝下不停地抽动着鼻子,然后升到空中,转动它们的 heads from one side to the other. 任何噪音或突然的移动都会使它们消失 通过跑进洞穴或在土壤或雪下跳跃. This species emits 超声波用于回声定位,这是它半化石生活方式的一个明显优势.


一只接受交配的雌性在24小时内交配20次或更多. These multiple 交配,平均持续4-5分钟,触发排卵. Females produce 冬末至初秋产1- 3窝. The gestation period is 21-22 days. 初生幼崽为粉红色,无毛,22毫米(0.9 in) in length, and weigh slightly more than 1 g (0.04 oz). 它们在第14天长出皮毛,在第18-20天睁开眼睛. 这个时候,年轻的鼩鼱开始离开巢穴. They are weaned and independent at 25-30 days. Females may breed when 30-60 days old; males somewhat later, but usually not until the following spring. 这个物种的最长寿命是三年, although few individuals live beyond 18 months.


鹰、猫头鹰、蛇和大型哺乳动物捕食短尾鼩鼱. Mammalian predators 可能有时会杀死但后来不吃这个物种,因为“酸”的气味产生 by skin glands. 短尾鼩进入水中,或者更有可能被洪水冲走, may be eaten by fish, e.g.这是一条长71厘米(28英寸)的北梭子鱼的胃 Rich Lake, Essex Co.在1986年10月4日,有一只成年短尾鼩鼱.

Social Behavior

  • Social System -  短尾鼩是滥交和独居的. Individuals have home ranges of 0.1-1.8 ha (0.25-4.5 ac) which overlap. Densities of 5-25 shrews per ha (2-10 shrews 每公顷),但每公顷可达120-200(每公顷48-80)。. 当地人口每年波动很大.
  • Communication -  化学和声音信号在调节社会交往中起着重要作用. Products 从雄性和非繁殖雌性的外侧皮肤腺体引起回避或 antagonistic behavior. Continuous “clicks”, e.g., given by males in courtship bouts, 或由驱幼,功能为联络呼唤. Repetitive “puts” and “twitters” space individuals. “嗡嗡声”和“唧唧声”伴随着对抗的遭遇. A short-tailed 在一个冬夜,我走近了一只鼩鼱,它采取了“三足威胁”的方式,大声地叫了一声, 尖锐的,上升的“啾啾声”至少可听到3毫米(10英尺).

Additional References 

Blus, L.J. 1971. 短尾鼩的繁殖和生存(Blarina brevicauda) in capitivity. Laboratory of Animal Science, 21:884-891.

Buckner, C.H. 1964. 四种鼩鼱的新陈代谢、食物容量和摄食行为. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 42:259-279.

Olsen, R.W. 1969. 短尾鼩的竞争行为,(Blarina brevicauda). Journal of Mammalogy, 50:494-500.

Tomasi, T.E. 1978. 毒液在短尾鼩体内的作用Blarinabrevicauda). Journal of Mammalogy, 59:852-854.